Due to Coronavirus precautions, in-person services are limited. 参观 市民中心 公共警报 p年龄 了解更多信息.
The 利昂县警长’s Office 航空 Section operates three Bell 206B3 Jet Ranger helicopters and is the primary aviation unit for the region. The section is staffed by five pilots all of which hold at a FAA commercial helicopter pilot certificates. Three of the pilots are also certified helicopter flight instructors. The Director of Aircraft Maintenance holds a FAA airframe and powerplant certificate with inspection authorization and man年龄s all aircraft inspections and maintenance.
Mission equipment installed on the aircraft include FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) camera, 彩色摄像机, 数字录像机, real time video downlink transmitter, 大功率探照灯, mission man年龄ment/mapping computer, 陀螺稳定双筒望远镜. An extensive multi band radio pack年龄 allows instant radio communications with all Sheriff’s offices, 警察部门, 国家机构, and fire departments in the area. Night vision goggles allow air crews to safely operate over the darkest areas of the county including the Apalachicola National Forrest.