The 利县 拘留所 encour年龄s visitation for incarcerated individuals. 我们坚信与家人和朋友的联系是极其重要的.
里昂县拘留所现在重新开放个人探视. 然而, there are rules that we need to make you aware of so your visiting privileges are not denied, 终止或暂停. These visits will be conducted in the designated visitation area and will not be monitored or recorded. Attorneys will be allotted 60-minute visits and can block multiple times if needed.
开始日期: 2024年2月26日,星期一
探访时间为上午8时30分(上午8时30分), 最后一次探访时间为16时(下午4时), allowing for the visit to end at 1630 hours (4:30 pm) to allow for facility lockdown for shift change.
To enable individuals needing to visit during the evening due to work schedules, 参观将于下午五时三十分恢复。, 最后一次探访时间为19时(晚上7时), 参观将于下午7:30结束.
每位游客每天将有30分钟的时间访问一个人. 探视者不允许在囚犯之间分散探视时间.
The following schedule will run until maintenance is completed in the mezzanine areas where additional railing will be added for safety reasons.
- 5月1日,星期三
- 5月2日星期四
- 5月3日,星期五,E2舱
- 5月6日星期一,F2舱
- 5月7日星期二,G区和H区
- 5月8日星期三
- 5月9日星期四
- 5月10日,星期五
- 5月13日星期一
- 5月14日星期二
- 5月15日星期三
- 5月16日星期四
- 5月17日星期五
- 星期一,5月20日
- 5月21日,星期二
- 5月22日,星期三
- 5月23日星期四
- 5月24日星期五,E2舱
- 5月27日星期一,第二舱
- 星期二,5月28日,G区和H区
- 5月29日,星期三
- 5月30日星期四
- 5月31日星期五
- 6月3日星期一
- 6月4日星期二
- 6月5日星期三
- 6月6日星期四
- 6月7日星期五
- 6月10日星期一
- 6月11日星期二
- 6月12日,星期三
- 6月13日星期四
- 6月14日星期五,E2舱
- 6月17日,星期一
- 6月18日星期二,G区和H区
- 6月19日星期三
- 6月20日星期四
- 6月21日星期五
- 6月24日星期一
- 6月25日星期二
- 6月26日,星期三
- 6月27日星期四
- 6月28日星期五
**This schedule will restart with Pod A until all updated safety measures are completed.**
Inmates with documented disciplinary sanctions (having received disciplinary confinement time/sentencing) as determined by the Disciplinary board will be restricted from having visitation until they have completed punitive confinement time.
- 如有需要,我们将为访客提供轮椅协助.
- Lockers will be provided for those visitors traveling by public transportation. 所有其他人将被要求把所有个人物品留在他们的车里. (只有有效证件和钥匙才能进入设施).
访客必须能够通过安全检查(金属探测器), as we intended to follow the same practices as the Department of Corrections and other facilities.
这意味着访问者是 不 to wear garments which contain metal including underwire bras, or other items e.g. 首饰、发夹等., as they may cause the metal detector to alert, and/or prevent their admission into the facility. When able, metal items should be removed prior to entering the 拘留所. 所有物品都需要进一步搜查. Individuals with medical devices that would prevent clearing the metal detector must provide documentation.
-Blouses and dresses must have at least a short sleeve before adding jackets or sweaters.
视频访问将仍然有效,允许批准的朋友, 家庭成员, attorneys and clergy of an inmate to connect with them using their computer, 安全视频访问应用程序, 或现场.
The front lobby staff will be responsible for approving family and friend visitors. These visits will require an approval with each different detainee that they wish to visit.
Video visitation units are also installed at the 上升 Center to allow for free onsite visits. The children of detainees will be allowed to visit at the 上升 Center under the supervision of a parent or guardian.
Costs are set at $5-95 per visit for a 30 minute online 或现场 (上升 Center or Leroy Collins Library) video visit.
How do you know if your Inmate will be available during the time you schedule?
The Securus system knows the times that 利县 拘留所 inmates are available for remote video visits.
It will not allow you to schedule a visit with your inmate if they are not available or the video visitation kiosk(s) in the jail are booked already.
Once you schedule a visit with your inmate they will be notified of the date and time of the visit.
你的整个访问过程都会被监控和记录. 不要说或做任何你不想在法庭上被重播的话.
You should schedule your visit, in advance, at a time that works best for you.
The Medical Concern Hotline 850-606-3100 and Mental Health Concern Hotline 850-606-3427 have been created to assist those with concerns for their 家庭成员 incarcerated in the 拘留所. If a medical personnel does not answer please leave a mess年龄 with the name of the inmate, 你的关心, 还有你的联系方式,以便他们给你回电话.